
David Anderson

10 years of Kanban

Swami Atmapriyananda

Ambition and Achievement vs Satisfaction and Fulfilment

Satyendra Kumar


Foundation Kanban

Mike Leber

STATIK – Good Practice for Introducing Kanban Systems

Mahesh Singh

Upstream Kanban: Visualizing your Team’s Priorities

Mahesh Varadharajan

Kanban: Myths or Facts

Padma Satyamurthy

Kanban beyond technology – effective implementation in HR space

Krishnakumar C

Kanbanize at all levels during Lean or Agile Adoption

Phalguna Ramaraju

Lean Leadership is the need of the hour!

Ashish Mahajan

Tearing down the walls: Leveraging Lean and Agile methods to create your own

Scaling Lean and Kanban

Masa K Maeda

Integrating Kanban Scalability with High Collaboration Dynamics

Jaya Srivastava

F2 (F Square) = Flow * Framework – In context of Scrum and Kanban

Priyank DK Pathak

Alternative Path for Transformation

Subhajit Sengupta

Kanbanize the Documentation Life Cycle

Mike Burrows

Scrumban for a UK government sector digital service

Janice Linden-Reed

KanbanESP: Building an Information Flow

S R V Subrahmaniam

Synchronization and Cadence at the heart of scaling

DevOps and Continuous Delivery

Anadi Misra

DevOps is Lean for the Organisation, not just Project Teams – Pt 1

Anadi Misra

DevOps is Lean for the Organisation, not just Project Teams – Pt 2

Devesh Chanchlani

Branching for Continuous Delivery? Think Again!


Madhavi Ledalla

Kanban Donut Factory – Pt 1

Madhavi Ledalla

Kanban Donut Factory – Pt 2

Kamlesh Ravlani

Optimizing Organizational System with Lean Kanban